Tuesday, December 27, 2011

MDM–Designing a repository (Part 3)

Create Tuple Tables :

Here in part 3 we’re going to create the tuple tables.

In the console hierarchy, you’d be able to see a branch called tuples at the far bottom.

Click on tuples and you’d be able to see a similar view as shown below. There’s the tuples window which would list down the tables created in the tuple while the below window shows the details of the tuple tables.


To create a new table in the tuple. Just “right click” in the Tuple window and select “Create”.

Here, I’d create a “DNB_Candidate” as the tuple table.

Once, the table created, you’d be able to modify the tuple details in the bottom window. Under the tuple details tab, I’d insert the name, code, and select “yes” under the display field. Once the field details have been confirmed, save the details by clicking “Shift + Enter”.


Once created, next I’d create the fields in the tuple.

1. Select the tuple table where you want to insert the fields. Here I’d click on DNB_Candidates which I’ve created earlier.

2. Right click on the top right pane and select “Add Member Field”.

3. Insert the member field details at the bottom window :
   Name – Give a name to the field.
   Code – Create a code for the field created
   Description – Simple description of the field created. This would be used as   
   reference by others if there are any changes to be made in future.
   Type – Data type of the field such as text,integer,Boolean,char and etc.


Repeat the steps above in order to create several tuple tables if necessary. With all these few basic steps, you’ve completed the creation of a tuple table as well as inserted the fields in the tuple table.

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