Thursday, December 29, 2011

MDM– Designing a Repository (Part 4)

Creating the Main Table :

Finally, we’d create the main table for Customer. Here, you’d notice that all the steps taken to create the main table are similar to how we’ve created the lookup table and tuple tables.

1. Right click on TEST_Monster.


2. Select “Add table”.


3. Go to table details and insert the name, code, description, display field (yes/no), unique field (yes/no), whether there’s key mapping (yes/no) and etc. Then select the table type as “Main” since this would be the main table that we’d be creating.


4. Here, I’d name the main table “CUSTOMER”. Click on “CUSTOMER” and you’d be able to see the fields created in the main table with all its details at the bottom pane.


5. To add a field. Repeat the same thing as you’ve done earlier when creating the lookup and tuple tabl( Refer : )

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