Wednesday, December 28, 2011

MDM Console–Start / Stop Repository

In order to create a new table or modify and existing table in a repository, you would have to unload the repository. Once the repository has been unloaded, other MDM applications such as the import manager , data manager and syndicator would be unable to access while changes are being made in the console.

To Unload / Stop the Repository:

1. Right click on the repository and select “Stop Repository”.

2. Here, you’d have several options to unload it either immediately or stop it for several minutes.

3. Once it has been successfully unloaded, the green rectangle icon would changed into a red square icon. This symbol would appear next to the database icon.


Loading/Start-up the repository :

1. To start the repository, just right click on the repository and update it.

2. A dropdown list would appear which shows that you could either start the repository immediately or update indices. It’s recommended to start the repository by updating its indices.

3. To view the loading status of the repository, view Status field in the Repositories pane. Alternatively, you could view the symbol next to the database icon while loading the repository. Here, you’d see a blue arrow on the repository while its loading and once it has successfully loaded, the blue arrow changes to a green triangle.


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